Thursday, 21 August 2014

Peace, security and conflict prevention, key factors to sustainable development

Peace and security are essential factors for development. For a country to have development it requires a peaceful, secure and conflict free environment, in most cases such an environment attracts not only local but foreign investments which bring about development. It is important to talk about peace building given the fact that the current types of conflicts have acquired new dimensions. There is great need for leaders and stake holders to take responsibilities to prevent conflicts and also prevent repetition of atrocities.

Bring youths on board, shape a better tomorrow

According to UNFPA, today’s youth are 1.8 billion and make up one quarter of the worlds population. This number of youth is enough to influence the global social and economic welfare. Social welfare, inclusive of peace and security is vital for sustainable development in the world we live in. It is notable that youths have been overshadowed in governments organisations and intergovernmental organisations to mention the United Nations at large.

Peace and security influence level of economic development

Despite rapid economic development that characterizes many regions in developing countries, poverty is either stark reality or a real threat for the majority of workers in the developing world. 

By 2015, the global number of jobless could be larger than it is now. About 900 million adults in the developing countries are unable to earn   enough to cater for their families while, millions still face unemployment.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

About Freedom from violence

 what "Freedom from violence" is about. 

Freedom from violence - Launch

Freedom from violence
WFUNA in Collaboration with UNA-Uganda launch; "Freedom from Violence." the project targets member of parliament, youths, media, academia and Civil Society Organisations towards the inclusion of peace, security and conflict prevention in the on-going UN post 2015 development agenda.

The video clip is was broadcasting television (NBS)  and was translated into the native language so as to reach out to the population widely.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

WFUNA Youth Network celebrates International Youth Day 2014 (Video)

In occasion of International Youth Day, members of the WFUNA Youth Network and WFUNA Staff picked one option from sixteen available in the My World survey, in order to highlight the importance of youth voices in the Post-2015 Development Agenda Process.

Click to watch the video